To guide us through this new landscape we have secured the services of 3 experts who will share their views and insights:
- Bill Thompson, a leading UK journalist, broadcaster and critical commentator on technological trends and social innovation.
- Dr Jo Twist, CEO of UKIE, the association for UK Interactive Entertainment the sole trade body for the UK’s videogames and wider interactive entertainment industry.
- Neville Brody, Designer and art director (researchstudios, Fuse) and recognised as one of the world’s most influential graphic designers.
Topics for discussion include:
- What are the challenges and opportunities for new content creation using public sector data?
- What might be the specific opportunities for academics, commercial partners and the general public to work together?
- How far do our current systems of support including know-how about terms of sharing and copying and devices and platforms for integrating media content need to be reformed or reflected on in the light of an everywhere-connected world?
- How might designers and arts/creatives capitalise on and contribute profitably to these shifts?
- Who is doing what that might help define this space?