Displaying items by tag: How Why DIy

martha lane foxMartha Lane Fox is coming to town to promote the Race Online. What's that I hear you say well it's all about getting people online not some people having a virtual race using connect controllers.

Liverpool has an appalling record for the numnber of people who aren't online or have access to online resources on a daily basis. One of the reasons behind How Why DIY is to encourage people to get online and not be afraid of using technology. See the Liverpool Digital Inclusion Strategy Framework (google doc) for a real lack of ambition.  

Martha is going to have a busy day on 1st November 2011 as she is first at the Liverpool Innovation Park talking about "How can business close the digital divide?" and then at FACT Liverpool for the Roy Stringer Lecture. You can probably still attend both if you are quick enough. 

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Jelly Liverpool A quick reminder for freelancers that Jelly Liverpool is on this Thursday 19th April upstairs at Leaf Cafe.

What's Jelly? Co-working : when independent people choose to work together instead of alone.

Whatever you do, whatever you make, come mingle with the happening people of Liverpool. Free Coffee, Free Wifi ... Great company.

No need to register, just turn up & bring your laptop and get cracking on with some work.



Published in Events

ignite_logo_tiny Dates for the next Ignite Liverpool event have been announced.

The 15th September we see the upstaris at Leaf Cafe, Bold Street coming alive to talks that will enlighten and delight an expectant audience.


Published in Events
Friday, 24 June 2011 14:20

Super Effective Sunday -

It’s round two of the hugely successful Super Effective Sunday on the 26th June. This time gamers will go head to head on the cinema screen with a Super Smash Brothers Melee Tournament.

Super Effective Sunday
Game Geek Heaven @ CUC Liverpool
26th June 2011

More details below

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Friday, 24 June 2011 09:10

CIRCUIT BENDING 101 - 9th July 2011

Circuit Bending 101

Bored by normal instruments? Uninspired by laptops?

Learn how to add extra wiring to battery-operated toys to make them bleep with anticipation, howl with excitement and transcend their blinky light allowance at this workshop led by Nikki Pugh, commissioned by SoundNetwork

The workshop includes instruction (we’ll teach you how to solder if you don’t already know) and all the materials you need (feel free to bring your own soldering equipment and wire cutters etc if you don’t want to share).

Published in Tech News
Saturday, 04 June 2011 14:15

Maker Night this Wednesday 8th June

build your own cupcake

This is a quick repost of the information posted last month just as a reminder.

Maker Night is back next month - well it does take place every month you know but now it is held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Liverpool Art and Design Academy.

The meeting starts at 6:30pm and everyone gathers in the downstairs cafe before entering the fabrication lab or mystisystem lab as I call it.

Bring your own projects....

Next gathering: 8th June 2011, 6:30pm at Liverpool Art and Design Academy.

Published in Tech News

build your own cupcakeMaker Night is back next month - well it does take place every month you know but now it is held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Liverpool Art and Design Academy.

The meeting starts at 6:30pm and everyone gathers in the downstairs cafe before entering the fabrication lab or mystisystem lab as I call it.

Bring your own projects....

Next gathering: 8th June 2011, 6:30pm at Liverpool Art and Design Academy.

Published in Tech News
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 07:11

Ignite Liverpool 6 announces speakers

Ignite Liverpool have annoumnced the speakers for next months Ignite Liverpool event.

Taking place at Leaf Cafe on Bold Street, the event will have presentations ranging from creating a Hollywood Blockbuster to teaching toddlers how to code.
Ignite Liverpool .........
Published in Tech News
Wednesday, 20 April 2011 09:23

Jelly Liverpool - 5th May - 9am-5pm

JellyIf you haven’t yet experienced Jelly, perhaps it’s time to check it out.

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Wednesday, 13 April 2011 15:52

Liverpool Music Barcamp - don't miss your chance

Liverpool_Music_BarcampwebIt's just over a week away from the Liverpool Music Barcamp - a free one day conference taking place at Studio 2 on Parr Street.

The conference or Barcamp is presented in an open source style where attendees are encouraged to get up and present their own talks or workshops.




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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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