Saturday, 04 June 2011 14:15

Maker Night this Wednesday 8th June

build your own cupcake

This is a quick repost of the information posted last month just as a reminder.

Maker Night is back next month - well it does take place every month you know but now it is held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Liverpool Art and Design Academy.

The meeting starts at 6:30pm and everyone gathers in the downstairs cafe before entering the fabrication lab or mystisystem lab as I call it.

Bring your own projects....

Next gathering: 8th June 2011, 6:30pm at Liverpool Art and Design Academy.

maker bot construction

There is loads of room in the lab for everyone to work on projects big and small. I've even seen a blimp floating around the room.....But come along and hack new projects or just talk to people about their projects, share ideas and show off.

You might want to bring your laptop if you have one, particularly if you want to try out one of the Arduino kits that are normally on hand.

They have to be out of the ADA by 9:00pm on the night, at which point they  make our way to a near by pub for some post making drinks.

Next gathering: 8th June 2011, 6:30pm at Liverpool Art and Design Academy.

Dates further ahead: 13th July, 10th August, 14th September.

There are all sorts of project going on just take a look at the images from Maker Night on Flickr.

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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