2012 Transition Liverpool Symposium
Following on from our Feeding Liverpool Symposium in 2011 and our Be the Change Symposium in 2010, we are please to annouce our third event Caring for the Earth: What can we do? The focus on this year's event is to network, celebrate what we're doing already, and develop groups that can plan next steps together. The event will take place at the Quaker Meeting House on Saturday the 29th of September 9:30am - 4:30pm. For more information and to book tickets go to: http://caringfortheearth.
September Transition Cafe
Come along to our monthly get-together where we hear from different speakers and discuss Transition related issues. We meet at the Quaker Meeting House, 22 School Lane, from 6:45pm. Our next Transition Cafe is on the 12th of September.This month we're proud to be offering a showing of the new and improved film about the Transition Towns movement, In Transition 2.0. It gives some inspirational snapshots of transition projects around the world, showing how they got them off the ground, how they sustained them and some of the benefits these projects brought to the local communities. A great introduction to what Transition is all about... You can view the trailer here.
Update on our History of Local Food project
We've now completed the research component of the project and are hard at work developing ways to share what we've uncovered in interesting and creative ways. After our very successful show at Light Night, we'll be at two more local events in September:
The annual get-together for UK based transitioners will be taking place in London this year from the 14th to the 16th of September. Seehere for more info. We are hoping to plan another North West meetup so let us know if you'll be there.
Tinho and Kate da Cruz and Geoff Cunningham met with cabinet members Malcolm Kennedy (regeneration and transport) and Ann O'Bryne (housing and community safety) and council officer Mark Kitts, assistant director of Development Planning and Housing, on Tuesday 8th May on a proposal to designate some available city council land for eco self-build purposes. Anybody either thinking about self-build or willing to assist in developing a formal plan should contact Geoff Cunningham (geoff@
The Transition Research Network (TRN) aims to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships between transition initiatives and academic researchers. As part of this we are setting up a range of working groups focused on transition issues. Our next meeting on the 3rd of October will be focused on Community Energy. To find out more go to http://www.
Find out the latest about Liverpool's potential bid for Green Capital chaired by Councillor Tim Moore. For more info and to book tickets:http://www.liverpoolchamber.