Social Media Cafe Liverpool have announced a reboot (yeah it's a phrase from them there comics). There hasn't been a SMC Liverpool since February and as they state there was loads going on that week, I should know I was involved. Now they want your involvement.
They are thinking about a restarting Social Media Cafe Liverpool and they need your input. Here is what they say
"I have been thinking about a reboot of Social Media Cafe Liverpool for some time as it is a bit overdue as the last event, sorry the last brilliant event in February. There was loads going on that week and since then we have sat back and taken it easy, well actually just got on with other stuff."
So if your interested in getting involved they are looking for
- volunteers to help organise
- suggestions for topics
- suggestions for speakers to cover those topics
- ideas for the format
Just on the format, I really like the kind of lecture format with a 20 minute presentation then a Q&A, as it works really well but we are open to conversations about it.
Some topics that have been suggested so far are
- Crowd-sourcing
- Organisational Networking
- Growing the 'Internet of Things'
- Big data and Experimentation
- Customer Relationship Management
Get involved because it truly is a fantastic opportunity to learn more and talk about social media issues for free.