Celebrating Subversion: The Anti-Capitalist Roadshow is a collective of singers and songwriters comprising Frankie Armstrong, Roy Bailey, Robb Johnson, Reem Kalani, Sandra Kerr, Grace Petrie, Leon Rosselson, Janet Russell, Peggy Seeger, Jim Woodland, plus one (there is only one!) socialist magician, Ian Saville. Each show features six or seven performers from the collective.According to chief mischief-maker Leon Rosselson, the Anti-Capitalist Roadshow was created "to raise spirits and give hope and cheer and a smile or two to those angry at the ideologically driven austerity programme imposed by this millionaire government on all but the elite, and in particular on the poor, the vulnerable and the disabled. We are part of the resistance to a capitalism that functions only on behalf of the wealthy, that aims to shrink the public sphere and privatise public services, including the NHS, and that is destructive to the planet. We are part of another way of looking at the world."Artists confirmed for the Liverpool show are:-
- Peggy Seeger
- Frankie Armstrong
- Robb Johnson
- Grace Petrie
- Janet Russell
- Jim Woodland
- Ian Saville
The Anti-Capitalist Roadshow has enjoyed enthusiastic audiences and sold-out shows in Leicester, Leeds, Hebden Bridge, London, Porstmouth, Shoreham and St Albans. November and December 2012 sees more shows in Liverpool, Halifax, Wellingborough, Newcastle, Sheffield, and William Morris's home town of Walthamstow.
The Liverpool show is the Anti-Capitalist Roadshow's only North West date.
It takes place on Saturday 10th November 2012 at Sefton Park Palm House.Doors open at 7.00pm and the music runs from 7.30pm to 10.30pm.Tickets are £10 (£6 unwaged) from wegottickets.com/liverpoolacoustic or in person from News From Nowhere (no booking fee) on Bold Street. The facebook events can be found here.
Taken from Liverpool acoustic Press Release