Tuesday, 01 January 2013 10:16

New Year - new opportunity at Jelly Liverpool this Thursday

Jelly Liverpool If your newly freelance then Jelly Liverpool is the perfect opportunity for you this New Year.

What's Jelly?
Co-working : when independent people choose to work together instead of alone.

Whatever you do, whatever you make, come mingle with the happening people of Liverpool.

Free Coffee, Free Wifi ... Great company. 
No need to register, just turn up & bring your laptop and get cracking on with some work.

Thursday 3rd January upstairs at Leaf Cafe.

There is more information available here along with a list of dates.

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{videotube}YJx_qjAZLic{/videotube} Jelly Liverpool 1st Anniversary Openlabs


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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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