Thursday, 30 September 2010 08:10

One Button Challenge - OpenLab workshop

Cybersonica with Openlab Workshops and Abandon Normal Devices present the One Button Challenge in Manchester as part of AND
A combination workshop and challenge to see who can build the most creative device using only a single button for user interaction.

In a world where our interaction with technology is dominated by qwerty keyboards, multi-functional hand-held devices, motion-detection controllers and touch screens what becomes of the lowly, single button? Is it still possible to find inventiveness in simplicity?The One Button Challenge attempts to answer the question – setting this simple limitation as both a physical and creative boundary.

This October, Openlab Workshops and Cybersonica present a One Button Challenge as part of the Abandon Normal Devices (AND) Festival, Manchester, UK.

In the run-up, we are offering both a 5-week workshop in London and an intensive two-day workshop in Manchester on how to design and build your own One Button Device.

We trust in your imagination to create things which will amaze, surprise, entertain, inform, humour and perhaps even offend. So go on, ask yourself what your button would do... and take up the challenge!
For more details and background to the project check the ‘One Button Devices Workshop’ at Openlab Workshops.
Manchester Workshop
Monday, 4th October, 11am-5pm
Cornerhouse, 70 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 5NH
with an optional second day Tuesday, 5th October, 11am-5pm
Fab Lab Manchester, Chips, 2 Lampwick Lane (off Old Mill Street), New Islington, Manchester, M4 6BU
6 FREE places available (on a first come first served basis)/£45/£35 students (both days)/£35/£30 students (first day only) - book or buy your ticket via Eventbrite
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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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