Tech News (219)

Defnet's Digital News from in and around Liverpool

If there was a collective noun for freelancers it would be Jelly, a Jelly of freelancers. Jelly Liverpool is a regular coworking opportunity for Digital freelancers and I am one of those digital freelancers that attends regularly... In fact I help organise it.  

Saturday, 03 September 2016 06:46

Disrupted: An evening with Dan Lyons

TedxLiverpool have a special author event happening this Thursday, 7th September at Unit 51 in Baltic Creative as they welcome Dan Lyons, the former Technology Editor at Newsweek Magazine, a magazine writer at the top of his profession.

Saturday, 03 September 2016 06:44

eHealth Cluster August 2016

The Liverpool Ehealth Cluster produces a monthly newsletter featuring opportunities for people in the Digital and Health sector. As we love this project and indeed won the first Health Care Hackathon we always reproduce the e-Health cluster news here.

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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