Tech News (219)

Defnet's Digital News from in and around Liverpool


We bring you news of a festive gathering of all creatures great and small within the creative and digital sectors at the Kin Festive Social with Binary Festival, Sound City & the Whitechapel Centre.

Constellations will be our convivial hosts and this time, top of the bill will be exciting news from Binary Festival, due to premier in Liverpool Spring 2016.

Catch up on Ignite Liverpool with the Live Stream recorded on the 4th November at Leaf Cafe Bar on Bold Street Liverpool. 

If you have never caught it before then Ignite Liverpool provides a stage for people to get up and present their passions in short 5 minute presentations. 


The UK's largest Open Source & Open Culture event is taking place in Liverpool on 31st Oct. & 1st Nov. and they want your involvement. 

Whether you have been before or not, Oggcamp is open to you, because it is the participants that make it happen in this community orientated geek celebration of open source and open culture. 

Presented in Barcamp style, so bring your own talks or just listen to others. Pus a full hacking and hardware section of stalls and stands. Previous speakers include Stephen Fry and the whole event is FREE

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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