Monday, 08 October 2012 13:25

Hack, Hack, Hack, Hack, your Window

This one day workshop at FACT aims to demonstrate how to use the FACT front LED window for making interactive games or any other creative work.The workshop will be led by Mar Canet who has developed an OpenFrameworks library which allows you to easily push content to the screen, and also allows you to gather inputs from a variety of devices such as a IR camera, XBOX controllers, audio, SMS, or probably any sensors that your imagination allows.

You can create games or just cool interactions... or do whatever you like.In the morning we will introduce the details of the FACT LED facade as well as the functionality of the library. In the afternoon and evening, the participants will have a chance to try out the code and play around with the facade. The results of the workshop will be demonstrated and tested on the facade and displayed in the public space on Ropewalks Square.The workshop is aimed at people with some experience of openFrameworks or similar languages (Arduino, Processing, C++, etc). But please don't be put off if you're not a proficient coder - we'll try to make it accessible for most people.

Lunch will be provided, and if we're still testing your creations late into the evening we may have a beer or two also!

Taken from FACT EMAIL


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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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