Defnet Media

Site owner and blogger

Tuesday, 11 December 2012 09:35

Where are you at?

IMG_8940-crop-400-e1354287311861Liverpool based Internet of Things Inventor John McKerrell knows where he is at and that's at the launch of a fantastic new product from the heart of Liverpool - The WhereDial. 

If you haven't come across the WhereDial before it's a cute device that connects you to your friends and family so you can never lose track of them again. The WhereDial uses mapping technology which is avalable on so many Smart phones these days, to track the person your connected to, and as they move from location to location so does the WhereDial - from Home to Work or Pub to Cafe you just sit back and WATCH. 

No sooner has it been launched and the WhereDial is up for an award!


Following on from the success of the last Digital Creative event in October, December sees another hop along like Robins on a Christmas card.

They'll be bringing speakers in who will share their knowledge & experience to give us all an insight into the Media on 11th December 2012.


Social Media cafe Liverpool are going to be wrapping up the year with a look into the future, where they assure us, we are going to be living next year. 
Apart from the serious look at Walled Gardens and what our operating system says about us they'll be looking at how we'll be using more items in our homes connected to the internet, but not including the internet Fridge. 
There'll also be a round up of Social Media highlights and lowlights this year and prizes for those who have "Rocked their World"  Along with Mice Pies and Mulled Wine. 

ignite_logo_tiny Ignte Liverpool have out a call out for people to help them with their next event coming up in February, so if you have some time to spare perhaps you could assist them ... 

The are especially looking for people with Video, marketing and event organising skills.

Read on....

Monday, 03 December 2012 15:18

Masterclass: One Year Plan with a Difference

Open Labs of LJMU are hosting a 1-day FREE Masterclass on helping take you & your business to the next level.

It's led by Marie Burns who has consulted with businesses and organisations from small startup's to large organisations such as Coca Cola, BBC, Nokia & the Treasury.

Monday, 03 December 2012 15:03

The return of TEDx - February

tedxliverpoolJourney with us to the land of TEDx Liverpool - Yes it's back for the second year in a row. It was a packed house last year at FACT Liverpool so I am sure the tickets will go like hotcakes once again - but wait the tickets aren't on sale yet but rest assured we will let you know when they are. 

Thursday, 29 November 2012 14:29

Prizes in store for young gamers

Are you aged 16 or under? Interested in competing in Minecraft to win amazing prizes?
Then get along to North Liverpool Academy on Thursday 6th December 2012 between 5pm and 8pm for Minefest 2012.

Only 300 places! Win a PS VITA for you or your school + other cool prizes!

The next Breakerfaire meeting will take place at DoesLiverpool on the 11th of December, 2012 at 7pm entitled “Beneath the surface: an introduction to Information Hiding”

In this talk, we discuss three types of information hiding; steganography, fingerprinting and covert channels. We consider the motivations behind the use of each technique, real world examples and the fundamental problems with such techniques.

bats and beeps

Interactive artwork Noisy Table, an augmented ping-pong table that makes music and sounds as games are played, arrives in FACT on 6th December.

Who better to test it out than some of the city's best-loved bands? Over the next 10 weeks 8 bands will compete to be crowned “Bats & Bleeps Ping-Pong Champion!” in a round robin ping-pong tournament. To launch Noisy Table and get the competition underway,  FACT are incredibly happy to welcome Liverpool legends Clinic for an exclusive DJ set and atmospheric electronica artist Afternaut, who will be performing live. 

It is no wonder that this artwork is coming to FACT as Mike Stubbs the artistic director at FACT has a Ping Pong table is his back room at home and never misses a chance to battle it out against any unsuspecting visitor - Pity the Watch Tower seller.

Find out more below

Thursday, 29 November 2012 11:28

Want to teach kids how to code?

logoThere is an exciting event (lets face it everything is exciting to me) taking place at Madlab next month for anyone who is interested in working with Yong People to give them the digital skills and creativity they are going to need. Advisors will be there to tell us how we can apply for the Digital Makers Fund.  

From robots to Raspberry Pi, hackdays to summers of code, more and more young people are creating with technology. But how can we inspire, involve and support a generation of digital makers?

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