I thought I would highlight this article here as it is a fascinating look on the use or lack of use on social media for customer service inquiries. It examines how many organisations still don’t understand how useful twitter is for reporting customer problems let alone researching new products or projects which could help them with long term stability in this ever changing economic environment.
Tag: social media

Ahead of tomorrows Social Media Surgery at BBC Radio Merseyside I was interviewed on 11th October about the surgery and the benefits of Social Media for voluntary organisations.

So can institutions collaborate?
I think they can collaborate with other institutions but aren’t great at collaborating with the general public as they have to bend and be flexible to what the public desires. This always comes with great difficulty to institutions. An example is why you see so few institutional websites with the opportunity to comment on articles (please commenting system below)
So I have been asked to present at this and I need your thoughts so that i can formulate my presentation, a friend said to just take a bottle of wine and a bag of crisps, which would clearly be metaphors for Institution (wine) and community at large (crisps)
Turning a fail into a win

Fail to plan, plan to fail
Mr T said that
But I loved the funny fast paced images and decided this video would take a different route to than straight to the recycle bin. I asked @Methoddan if he had any open source audio that I could use, he did, so I cut it up and overlaid or underlaid it (whichever it is), recorded a bit of my audio to give is some use at Social media Cafe Liverpool.
I hope you like my turning a fail into a win.