Social Media

Turning a fail into a win

After the last Social Media Cafe Liverpool last February 2011, I tried to create a video of the conversation between Alistair Houghton and Christian Payne aka Documentally. The video from this was the first attempt – somewhere along the line the encoding had gone wring and and gave me this really speeded up version of the interview. This was an Epic FAIL.

Fail to plan, plan to fail

Mr T said that

But I loved the funny fast paced images and decided this video would take a different route to than straight to the recycle bin. I asked @Methoddan if he had any open source audio that I could use, he did, so I cut it up and overlaid or underlaid it (whichever it is), recorded a bit of my audio to give is some use at Social media Cafe Liverpool.

I hope you like my turning a fail into a win.


By Neil

My names Neil, and this is my blog where I capture what's going on around me, I rave about what i think is super cool and I rant about other stuff.

Stop Thinking about it and just get on and do it.