Monday, 27 July 2009 00:00

bernie connor the sound of music - episode 17 - the good Humor Man, he sees everything

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  ………………..then they imploded. Just at the point where they should have morphed into the greatest pop/rock band of their age, Love were to be found slugging it out with hard drugs and personal demons while the young pretenders picked up the crown, polished it down, glued it to their heads, where it remains to this day. The keys to the magic kingdom were there for Arthur Lee to take, Jac Holzman handed them Jim Morrison, he seemed like a safer bet at the time. In spite of all this, the album that Lee and Love had just released on Holzman’s Elektra records (Forever Changes) would be one of the most popular and enduring of all the so-called ‘underground’ records of the late 20th century, casting a giant shadow over everything Arthur did right up until his death in august 2006.


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