A quick video rewind of Social Media Cafe Liverpool from earlier this week. The action all took place the Liverpool Biennial visitors centre and it was a really good evening - so if you missed it you can catch up here but you won't be able to meet everyone in the pub afterwards. If you are interested in finding out when the events are taking place then join up to the mailing list available via the subscribe button on the left or follow @smcliv on twitter.
Video just in from Maker Faire 2010 in Newcastle Many of you will remember that a group form Liverpool visited and exhibited. Take a look and see what all the twitter talk was all about.
They can fix your old iPod and make it do new things, they can rescue your old computer and bring it back to life.
Dan Lynch is an outlaw someone said to me – not what I wanted to hear – that is until they explained they meant a Linux outlaw, a member of a discrete social strata that know how our computers and other electronic gizmo’s work.