
RatholeRadio 53 ??? 29th May 2011

RatholeRadio 53 ??? 29th May 2011 It???s time for another Rathole Radio and together with my usual eclectic mix of tunes I also have a fabulous guest. Fit & The Conniptions AKA Wayne Myers joins us live to talk about music, Linux, funny names and more…

Link to Art in Liverpool FM ??

RatholeRadio 53 ??? 29th May 2011

Rathole RadioIt???s time for another Rathole Radio and together with my usual eclectic mix of tunes I also have a fabulous guest. Fit & The Conniptions AKA Wayne Myers joins us live to talk about music, Linux, funny names and more. I had some technical problems getting him on the line but once I???d got some more coal in the furnace we were away. Enjoy!


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By Neil

My names Neil, and this is my blog where I capture what's going on around me, I rave about what i think is super cool and I rant about other stuff.

Stop Thinking about it and just get on and do it.