I ran a workshop at Liverpool Sound City on the social media people use to access music. Watch the video of the event right here. The answer was YouTube to my question about the most popular place to access new music.
Category: Social Media
So you want to attract attention to your twitter profile but you only post content x number of times a day so what do you do to keep your twitter account spewing out what looks like interesting content. Well what you do is set up a little twitter bot so that every time a news agency mentions certain key words it makes sure that you tweet it so that it looks like fresh content, only it doesn’t always work as this tweet shows.
Liverpool Library introduces 3M Cloud Library app sns.mx/VPlpy8
— Liverpool Daily (@LiverpoolDaily) July 5, 2012
Are you featured in my like it says on the tin favourite tweets of the week.

Note to self – read b4 14 July#JerseyBoysBrisbane“@socialmedia2day: How to live-tweet from an event. ow.ly/c4lT0”
Write ups of recent #BBCConnectedbbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinter… &#S2Rmedals digitalme.co.uk/s2r-medals-co-… events we’ve hosted at #MozLDN.

New @ Tech Soup: Bringing Your Organization’s Data to Life: NPdata Tweet Chat Recap bit.ly/NsaaS2

The Rule of 1% is Dead….. well not quite.wp.me/p1DQg2-gN via @whatsthepont // Good article about online engagement.

How Google+ Has Morphed Over The Past Year & What We Can Expect in 2013 zite.to/N68bop via @Zite

Sir Christopher Frayling on R4#saturdaylive right now & his piece for@theRSAorg on the rise of the maker movement thersa.org/fellowship/jou…

Love this site >> FastrackCAD – Free CAD Downloads – Portfoliobuff.ly/LkOuGR
@DaveThackeray is now producing Dave’s Digital Delights and you can catch Episode 1 right now as he guides us all through his recommendations for digital platforms to make your online life easier. He will wow you with his handy work but don’t let him do your plumbing.
I’ve already jumped onto one of his suggestions that I can see is going to be core to my future work and as the series progresses I’m sure there’ll be more.
Dave spoke at a recent Social Media Cafe Liverpool and I’ll sure we’ll have him back you can catch his video from that session above.
So Plug this baby into your ears and sit back – enjoy spreaker to http://www.davethackeray.com/daves-digital-delights-episode-1/
Channel 4 to simulcast all content online.
This game changing move by C4 will really pave the way for all broadcasters to follow suit, the BBC this summer are broadcasting live every event from the Olympics, across multiple platforms. Phone, iPad generally any internet connected device, including TV’s.
As reported in New Media Age website.
Channel 4’s head of viewer relationship management Steve Forde told new media age the move is part of its overall data-driven strategy to reward viewers for registering and providing more information.
“We have learnt content is king when it comes to what viewers want and because of that we are building our bank of rewards and benefits for people who register,” he said.
So the move is data driven, collecting information on viewer watching habits which will allow them to recommend programmes based on this data but also adverts and it is these adverts and the potential advertising revenue that are really driving this move. They want to create a digital nest that sees us engaging with their programmes while their advertisers engage with us.
Look ahead 2 years and we will be sharing what we watch with our friends in a Getglue fashion but within the walls of Channel4book.
Personally I will be unfriending anyone who watches Friends.