
Via-text #notw phone hacking

According to the radio the debate over the n of the w phone hacking scandal is still raging.?? Debate? ? Seems to me the media is completely blocking the voices in favour of exploiting and harassing the families of missing children. Its time we heard Murdoch sing. We can't silence him forever. Or do we live in Russia now


Books eh.

Thinking of writing a book called. Men are from Mars,?? Women are also from Mars but have distinctive physiological differences. It will be an hilarious look at relationships from the perspective of someone who isn't in one but watches a lot of tv were this kind of thing is discussed.??


Rathole Radio 55- Jun 26th 2011

Rathole Radio

Time for the mix of great independent music and waffling I like to call Rathole Radio. In episode 55 I played a wide range of styles as usual and I even welcomed back the live acoustic song after a few weeks off. Hope you enjoy the show and don???t forget to send feedback.

RatholeRadio 55- Jun 26th 2011????

Don't forget it is going out live this Sunday at 21.00??