Displaying items by tag: Arts Council England

Monday, 25 June 2012 12:30

Rights and IP seminar

cc.logo.largeA couple of items have come up on my Rights and IP radar, first off is this Building Digital Capacity for the Arts seminar from Arts Council England coming up on the 9th July in London. The event is aimed at arts and arts organisatons and aims to:

• outline the range of different elements of IP involved in artistic content
• share insights into different approaches to securing and clearing rights
• develop delegates’ understanding of the issues and potential solutions to rights clearances

Secondly the video from the Who Owns It seminar at FACT on the 12th June is now available to consume online. With talks by Ben Prangell a lawyer from Shipley IP and Joscelyn Upendran a lawer from Creative Commons UK. 

Published in Arts News
Monday, 14 May 2012 22:32

Do we still Need Libraries?

alan_davey_05_cropped5b15d2Debate this Wednesday as part of Liverpool UNiversity's POLICY PROVOCATIONS


Wednesday 16 May, 5.30pm
The Florrie, Mill Street, Toxteth

More details below 


Published in Arts News

From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download




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