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Saturday, 17 April 2010 22:48

Ignite Liverpool 2 - Video's published


Ignite Liverpool 2 was held on 15th April 2010 – 6-8pm Contemporary Urban Centre, 41 Greenland Street, Liverpool,

The event had a fantastic array of speakers, was well attended and even had 30 people watching on the Live Stream even though the presentations themselves weren't showing up. The organisers were really pleased with the event as so were the attendees in the flesh. It is quite certain that these ignite vents are due to become a regular feature on the Liverpool tech and geekery scene. There are more Video's to come but here is what we have for now.

Speakers included Dr Lorriane Warren discussing Value Creation in the Creative Industries.

Kirsty Walker

End of Show dot com
"How to be a Media Celebrity"

A quick guide to how any idiot can become a high profile media reviewer with only a few clicks and a lot of lies. Includes the history of End of Show, a TV reviews website, radio show and series of podcasts.

Ambrose Reynolds, from Urban Strawberry Lunch spoke about the community art venue and how you get a Public Video Screening License - not as easy as it might sound.


Chrissie Hammond from Full Circle Arts - The importance of inclusion and collaboration


Emma Thurlby, 'Brass Bands - An Undervalued Social Community Art'? well yes. This presentation from Emma Thurlby  was about Brass Bands within the community and how there is a distinct lack of funding for them. It also looked at one Brass Band called Boobs and Brass which is an all female brass band who raises money for Breast Cancer Research.

LIPA student Nia Moore, gave a presentation about How will the 2010 Conservative Arts Manifesto effect new Arts Organisations - if you work for one be afraid be very afraid.

Paul Freeman, everything you ever wanted to know about Time saving list making self help books but were afraid to ask.

Jonathan Deamer, an Ignite Liverpool veteran presents "Accessibility's a missed opportunity"


John McKerrell, Discussed Map.me.at a fantastic web start up that allows you to tract yourself across the globe, his presentations was made all the better with some pretty fancy tracing graphics that traced his journeys across the globe. There were even whoops from the crowd when he showed his "Weasley clock", which demo'd where he was in his daily routine - Work - home - travelling - pub although at the time of writing this he is Mayor of Tesco's on Allerton Road so FourSquare.com Twitter Handle @McKnut

Alistair Houghton, Liverpool Daily Posts business reporter and keen attender at Ignite Liverpool events shared his passion for Wimpy Restaurants and what a passion. it has seen him travel up and down the country discovering the out of the way places where Wimpy's are still open. they tend to be in obscure places where Burger King doesn't want to invest. He also loves the events so much he blogs about them. Excellent reportage I might add LDP CREATIVE Twitter Handle @wimpyking


Fred Landmark, a LIPA student presents a tribute to John Hughes, Film Director and his passion to produce a stage version at LIPA of The Breakfast Club.

The whole event was wrapped up by Herb Kim, who works for Code Works in Newcastle presenting on "The near death story of the Thinking Digital Conference and how social media saved the day" which was a fascinating insight into well how social media really can save the day or a conference going very into the red. Twitter Handle @herbkim

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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