Wednesday, 29 June 2016 12:57

Last month's Ignite Liverpool Live Stream

If you missed the last Ignite Liverpool at Leaf Cafe, then you missed a fun evening of talks especially as it was Star Wars Day, the 4th May.

Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe, Bold Street, Liverpool on 4th May.

Here's a list of speakers and subjects from the evening

Speaker: George Lock Talk Title It’s Gonna Blow!.
Speaker: Michael Marshall Talk Title: Bad PR: how to hoax the media
Speaker: Francis Irving Talk Title: Hidden away
Speaker: Brett Lempereur Talk Title: Theresa May Wants to Know What Porn You’re Watching
Speaker: Jackie Le Fevre Talk Title: Vader's Values
Speaker: Mark Russell Talk Title: Fighting global poverty through technology
Speaker: Eric Masaba Talk Title: The Transport System that Predicts Where You Will Want to Go | Statistical Arbitrage
Speaker: Martin Graff Talk Title: The Psychology of Romance and Romantic Attraction
Speaker: Benjamin Mummery Talk TItle: wibbly wobbly timey wimey – Time travel in fiction and reality
Speaker: Tom Williamson Talk Title: Why the Star Wars prequels are awful

Ignite Liverpool have another event coming up on the 27th July and are on the look out for speakers to get up and entertain the room for 5 minutes at a time. Why not give it a go?

Find out more and sign up to talk here


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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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