Here is our Manifesto – it was written a while back now but it still holds true
Open: Always use Open Source products and methods. Share them with users and promote their use.
Share: Use creative commons licenses, but always promote the right to ownership of ideas and creativity and the need for creative people to be compensated for their time and work.
Listen: Promote a responsible approach to web 2.0 by listening to those with something to say, acting upon it and assisting people in how to approach communication over the web.
Help others: Offer a platform for people to develop their skills and abilities, and always encourage mutual support within the community.
Challenge: Review commonly held notions in a genuinely informed and independent manner. Challenging them if needed.
Play: Provide and promote the sense that all communication on the net can be conducted with accesibility and a sense of fun.
Do: Do what we can do well and strive to do better.
Collaborate: To use the internet as a means to an end and promote face to face communication when this is the more practical and fun option.
Encourage high level, non virtual interactions with requisite refreshment. – a chat over a cup of tea.
If your are interested in writing reviews or producing a podcast or getting involved in any other way then do contact us on the emails below as we would love to hear from you. Or if you have an idea for an exciting project and just want some technical help then let us know and we will see how we can help.