This is a Call Out for help at the next Social Media Cafe.
So I was thinking at the most recent SMC Liverpool that we had no great way of encouraging people to interact and I wanted them to, this was afterall the purpose of SMC. So here are a few suggestions for making the next meet up a bit more fun.
A quick guide to RSS feeds and making them work for you.
This video will undoubtedly will explain RSS feeds better than I ever could. Even though it is 5 years old now it still has important information for many.
Watch, enjoy then read on.
Right then so now you know what RSS feeds are and how you can use them to get other peoples news to your computer without having to go to all of those websites to read it.
But and there is always a but … are you making sure that visitors to your website are able to do the same.
Are they able to subscribe to your news via RSS feed?
The AmbITion project for those of you that don’t know was set up in the North West to find ways of educating arts organisations in using new tools and techniques to deal with the demand of the consumer to access arts organisations content. It has done this in a variety of ways and extremely successfully, in fact so successful have they been, that they became a England wide project and now the Scottish Arts Council have also asked them to work with their arts organizations.
One of AmbITon’s first seminars was at an event I organized in Preston in 2006, and through my day job I have been lucky to enough to work with the AmbITion team over the last four years.
Have a look at these brilliantly simple How to guides recently published by the AmbITion team.
OK, so that is the title of the article, I did however, change my mind between drafting this 6 months ago (lie) and now. I originally went in search of social media buttons – which I found and drafted this article but then found a better source for them. (They appear below)
They shall be appearing in a sidebar near here soon – well as soon as i can decide which wordpress theme to go for, but in the mean time catch then on the main site page. in the friend us follow us module. But for now here is a quick excerpt of what they look like (and they are free to download and keep). They did kind of show me that I am not as social media as i thought i was as I only use 12 out of a possible 17, but numbers 10 and 11 I only slightly use and there is no icons for web resources that I do use.
a quick sociality media preview
I was going to painstakingly cut out the template at he bottom in photoshop until found the beautiful buttons above.