Ahead of tomorrows Social Media Surgery at BBC Radio Merseyside I was interviewed on 11th October about the surgery and the benefits of Social Media for voluntary organisations.
Ahead of tomorrows Social Media Surgery at BBC Radio Merseyside I was interviewed on 11th October about the surgery and the benefits of Social Media for voluntary organisations.
Free rock and roll have started to produce a Liverpool based podcast that needs unsigned Liverpool bands to take part.
If you have tracks that you are willing to submit then you should contact Peter Bentham via this myspace site: www.myspace.com/freerockandroll Download – right click and save as –
This is the first podcast of Free Rock & Roll Radio featuring the music of Flamingo 50, Town Bike, Voo, Asbos, Half Man Half Biscuit, Bexy Sitch & The Creepy Crawlies, The Dead Class, Barbieshop, The Down & Outs, Zombina & The Skeletones and talking about the Eric’s book, the Deaf School reuinon gigs and Rebellion Festival. Stay tuned for more rock and roll…. Find out more at www.defnetmedia.com
Defnet Media produce podcasts in Liverpool.
We have been producing the Art in Liverpool weekly podcast for about the last 4 months and are now looking to produce another called the def-pod featuring music from unsigned bands and reviews in Liverpool. I’ll be posting extracts from each podcast here so look out for those but you can also visit our main site www.defnetmedia.com This is podcast for pleasure, my pleasure to podcast for you. I hope you enjoy them and if you have any comments then let me know neil’at’defnetmedia.com.