My memory is not as good as I once thought it was. I don’t think any of our memories are as good as we think they once were. I do know I have the innate ability to forget things which I do not need to remember – like whole evenings
Plus the nature of humanity means that we sometimes change our minds, we think of something to say and then change our minds about it. In the case of a spent thought we simply right it off and a small piece of electrochemical activity that will never be revived – it is deceased, kaput. However, occasionally our chemical activity means that it makes it to our frontal lobe as a definitive idea of what to write or say.
We all have these definite ideas but on occasion nowhere to write them – myself, I have 5 notebooks but I am never quite sure which is the one at I am using today, is it a work notebook or a home notebook a notebook for ideas or for my website codes – so if I need to remember something I use my mobile and type a message as a draft and keep it without sending.
After having an initial idea and it making the struggling fight to the frontal lobe and being recognized as a genuine thought, it still won’t make it to the outside world. IT’S SURVIVAL OF THE FITEST IN HERE – ALTHOUGH IT’S NOT A CROWDED ROOM. Before that thought emerges from our mouth or before I hit the send button on my mobile a secondary filter will kick in and I/we think about how the message (my thoughts) will be received. Have I lost the confidence from starting it to finishing it that my message will be received with the same intention with which I send it.
So here is my full selection of draft text messages – thoughts that never quite made it to the outside world or notes as an aide memoir.