I was helping out with some Live Streaming from Birmingham at a brilliant outdoor performance from St Martins church in the Bullring. I was helping Caron Lyon and to be honest it was the easiest streaming job I had done in a long time, streaming to a Google hangout and then via periscope.
Category: Video Streaming
It was a delight to be asked to help tenantspin with their last live stream and their first in such a long time – when they made arts engagement projects they broke the mould after this one – I think it was less art and more Guerilla TV – over the years they had some shows, some of which are available on their Live Stream and over the years I tried to get them involved in as many projects as I possible could. I’m thinking here about when we got them over to the Arts Councils grand AGM where the participants met and interviewed the Council member of all the Arts Council’s across the country. I did a bit of live reporting there also.
So last night after “The End of Transmission” part of the tentantspin event we just went for a wander around the gallery space with camera and laptop – working off WiFi and here is that short and not very interesting section. I still love the immediacy of it all.