I thought I would highlight this article here as it is a fascinating look on the use or lack of use on social media for customer service inquiries. It examines how many organisations still don’t understand how useful twitter is for reporting customer problems let alone researching new products or projects which could help them with long term stability in this ever changing economic environment.
Category: Social Media

Ahead of tomorrows Social Media Surgery at BBC Radio Merseyside I was interviewed on 11th October about the surgery and the benefits of Social Media for voluntary organisations.
Note: Storify Closed so this is a rescued post.
If you missed it this is the shape of SMCliv – the open data one from the first few tweets about it to the news coverage,
It was a fascinating evening reflecting the interest in Open Data initiatives in Liverpool.
This post is in reverse order.
If you missed it this is the shape of SMCliv – the open data one from the first few tweets about it to the news coverage,
It was a fascinating evening reflecting the interest in Open Data initiatives in Liverpool.
This post is in reverse order.
View the story “Social Media Cafe – the open data one ” on Storify
Social Media Cafe – the open data one
If you missed it this is the shape of SMCliv – the open data one from the first few tweets about it to the news coverage,
It was a fascinating evening reflecting the interest in Open Data initiatives in Liverpool. Storified by Defnetmedia
Sat, Aug 04 2012 15:37:46 An evening examining the business opportunities that lie behind Open Data at Liverpool’s Social Media Cafe | SENOn
Thursday 2nd August, Static Gallery on Roscoe Lane will host Social Media Cafe Liverpool, this month it will be exploring the business…
We will be taking questions for our speakers about #opendata next week so just remember to include the #smcliv hashtagSMC Liverpool
Firms urged to tap into £16bn data marketTHE organisers of a hi-tech Liverpool event say the move to make Government data more open is creating market worth billions of pounds fo… Radar: Social Media Cafe LiverpoolLiverpool’s next Social Media Cafe looks at open data and how we can use it to benefit our cities and businesses. ou may have heard about… RT @smcliv: We will be taking questions for our speakers about #opendata next week so just remember to include the #smcliv hashtagRoss Dalziel RT @smcliv: We will be taking questions for our speakers about #opendata next week so just remember to include the #smcliv hashtagOpen Source City
We’ve got a great new speaker for next week #smcliv That will be 4 experts giving away their knowledge for free. News on the blog soon.SMC Liverpool
@cheapjack new speaker for #smcliv next week 4 in all :-)Defnetmedia
Come along to @smcliv next week – it’ll be ace! Four experts sharing their knowledge and I’m not one of them! #smcliv
Michael Nolan RT @MikeNolan: Come along to @smcliv next week – it’ll be ace! Four experts sharing their knowledge and I’m not one of them! #smcliv
Jen at FACT The 4th speaker at #smcliv next week will be @markiliffe presenting on "Maps, monitoring and public services for when you’ve really lost it”SMC Liverpool Interested in Liverpool Open Data then come along to #smcliv next thursday http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/liverpool-social-media-cafe-brings-you-the-open-data-one/SMC Liverpool RT @smcliv: Interested in Liverpool Open Data then come along to #smcliv next thursday http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/liverpool-social-media-cafe-brings-you-the-open-data-one/OpenLabsLJMU @AlexOrmandy @WalkaboutDan it would be cool to get this done by Thursday for #smcliv #opendata in action cc
@wimpykingSMC Liverpool I’m quite keen to see a visualisation of Liverpool and Everton season ticket holders hopefully what #opendata can achieve. #smclivSMC Liverpool Any questions for our speakers about #opendata next week, remember to include the #smcliv hashtag http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/liverpool-social-media-cafe-brings-you-the-open-data-one/SMC Liverpool RT @smcliv: Any questions for our speakers about #opendata next week, remember to include the #smcliv hashtag http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/liverpool-social-media-cafe-brings-you-the-open-data-one/ The Geeky Frenchy RT @smcliv: Any questions for our speakers about #opendata next week, remember to include the #smcliv hashtag http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/liverpool-social-media-cafe-brings-you-the-open-data-one/Defnetmedia It was great to hear that after the last Social Media Cafe two people have started their own podcasts. #RESULT #smcliv #itsliverpoolSMC Liverpool Really looking forward to speaking about Open Data at, deck coming together now! #smclivmarkiliffe @ircoops That sounds cool! If it’s open data related it could fit in the schedule for this Thursday’s event? @AlexOrmandy #smclivSMC Liverpool @SocialPool50 Did you want to give at talk at September’s #smcliv http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/invite-yourself-to-our-open-mic-night-in-september/SMC Liverpool #smclivDefnet Media @mcknut if you have any events at does that you want us to feature at #smcliv on Thursday eve email them through. ThanksSMC Liverpool If anyone has any digital creative events they would like us to feature at #smcliv on Thursday evening then email them through #itsliverpoolSMC Liverpool
RT @smcliv: If anyone has any digital creative events they would like us to feature at #smcliv on Thursday evening then email them through #itsliverpoolAdrian McEwen @alisongow you able to make this Thursday for @smcliv? If not 6th September is the next with open Mic. #smclivDefnetmedia RT @smcliv: If anyone has any digital creative events they would like us to feature at #smcliv on Thursday evening then email them through #itsliverpoolAlistair Houghton @osfameron @AlexNolan Don’t forget it is #SMCliv this Thursday from 6pm – four speakers on Open DataDefnetmedia RT @smcliv: If anyone has any digital creative events they would like us to feature at #smcliv on Thursday evening then email them through #itsliverpoolLiverpool Vision RT @smcliv: If anyone has any digital creative events they would like us to feature at #smcliv on Thursday evening then email them through #itsliverpoolKate Haldane We’ll be using http://www.tweet-show.com/ on Thursday evening from @littleegouk we should have enough pc’s after all @methoddan @cheapjack #smclivSMC Liverpool Come on Dollys do your dealing @cheapjack @MethodDan for #smcliv http://pic.twitter.com/LI1bDfb0SMC Liverpool @davecoveney When is the next swig? Needed for digital events in liverpool presentation at #smclivDefnetmedia RT @smcliv: Come on Dollys do your dealing @cheapjack @MethodDan for #smcliv http://pic.twitter.com/LI1bDfb0Dan Lynch A bit late but anyone up for sponsoring #smcliv with some free drinks for tomorrow night? Get in touch as we love you #itsliverpoolSMC Liverpool @pealo86 you can book here or sign in tomorrow on the door http://wp.me/pXfQQ-cb c u then #smclivSMC Liverpool
You can download the #smcliv iphone app right here for free http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/social-media-cafe-liverpool/id418172664?affId=1760386SMC Liverpool Liverpool peeps, come to #smcliv tomorrow night in Static. It’s free and we have 3 great speakers. Sign up via – http://is.gd/JbsVWxDan Lynch RT @MethodDan: Liverpool peeps, come to #smcliv tomorrow night in Static. It’s free and we have 3 great speakers. Sign up via – http://is.gd/JbsVWxJennifer Welch RT @MethodDan: Liverpool peeps, come to #smcliv tomorrow night in Static. It’s free and we have 3 great speakers. Sign up via – http://is.gd/JbsVWxFabian A. Scherschel We’re Live streaming Social Media Cafe Liverpool tomorrow from 6.30pm you can watch the live stream right here http://www.ustream.tv/channel/social-media-cafe-liverpool #smclivDefnet TV RT @MethodDan: Liverpool peeps, come to #smcliv tomorrow night in Static. It’s free and we have 3 great speakers. Sign up via – http://is.gd/JbsVWxMark Holmes RT @MethodDan: Liverpool peeps, come to #smcliv tomorrow night in Static. It’s free and we have 3 great speakers. Sign up via – http://is.gd/JbsVWxnervemagazineuk Cool evening @fact_liverpool talking digital innovation and picked up a new speaker and theme for @smcliv #smclivDefnetmedia #smclivDefnet Media #smclivDefnet Media GoogleGoogle Now Google Now gets you just the right information at just the right time. It tells you today’s weather before you start your day,… #smclivDefnet Media #smclivDefnet Media Great opportunity for a bit of free professional development tonight at #smcliv Come on down for a session on open dataSMC Liverpool RT @smcliv: Great opportunity for a bit of free professional development tonight at #smcliv Come on down for a session on open datachris huffee RT @smcliv: Great opportunity for a bit of free professional development tonight at #smcliv Come on down for a session on open dataStu RT @smcliv: Great opportunity for a bit of free professional development tonight at #smcliv Come on down for a session on open data
JellyLiverpool Bar is open at #SMCliv 😉 grrrr # crappredictiveswypeRoss Dalziel Want to know all about open data? Then this months #SMCliv is for you!SMC Liverpool At RT"@smcliv: Want to know all about open data? Then this months #SMCliv is for you!"Lee Omar From kittens with #ttvolmgrs to open data with #smcliv might be a push to squeeze data viz too…chris huffee Oops been Tweeting on the #smc_liv hashtag when it is #smcliv was wondering why noone was here : /julianlstar The plan for the evening is being unveiled #SMClivSMC Liverpool Did we say we were looking for speakers for the next #smcliv http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/invite-yourself-to-our-open-mic-night-in-september/ oh thought so.SMC Liverpool Next months talk on the digitally engaged/digitally enraged – sign up now! #SMClivSMC Liverpool Neil Morrin gives the run down of all the events to come! #SMClivSMC Liverpool Presentation below of upcoming events in Liverpool Events – howwhy2.ppt – Google Docsundefined @plastic_robot kicks off the first of the presentations, telling us about the countless events in liverpool this month #SMClivSMC Liverpool RT @smcliv: Did we say we were looking for speakers for the next #smcliv http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/invite-yourself-to-our-open-mic-night-in-september/ oh thought so.Adrian McEwen A big welcome to @jordyvankuijk from Connected Liverpool #SMClivSMC Liverpool RT @smcliv: Did we say we were looking for speakers for the next #smcliv http://socialmediacafeliverpool.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/invite-yourself-to-our-open-mic-night-in-september/ oh thought so.julianlstar Social Media Cafe Liverpooldefnet-tv @jordyvankuijk from @ConnectedLiv defines open data and explains just why its important #SMClivSMC Liverpool Crowd, @MethodDan and @Defnetmedia at #smcliv watching Jordi Van Kuijk speak – you can also spot him on the little screenAlistair Houghton Crowd, @MethodDan and @Defnetmedia at #smcliv watching Jordi Van Kuijk speak – he’s also on the little screen http://pic.twitter.com/7pQi9x2GAlistair Houghton As smart applications are being developed, social networking sites are being used to promote them – @jordyvankuijk #opendata #SMClivSMC Liverpool
RT @wimpyking: Crowd, @MethodDan and @Defnetmedia at #smcliv watching Jordi Van Kuijk speak – he’s also on the little screen http://pic.twitter.com/7pQi9x2GDan Lynch Next up to speak is @zarino can’t wait to hear his spin on open data #SMClivSMC Liverpool Excellent introduction to big data from @jordyvankuijk @smcliv #smcliv @ConnectedLIVLee Omar RT @leeomar: Excellent introduction to big data from @jordyvankuijk @smcliv #smcliv @ConnectedLIVSMC Liverpool Another brilliant definition of open data from @zarino #opendata #SMClivSMC Liverpool #smcliv (@ Static w/ @oddessay) http://4sq.com/ODWZOEAlex N Biggest supplier of open data? The world bank! @zarino #opendata #SMClivSMC Liverpool #smclivDefnet Media What’s one problem with open data? Reluctance to share! @zarino #SMCliv #opendataSMC Liverpool #smclivDefnet Media Big data equals big requirements! @zarino #SMCliv #opendataSMC Liverpool @zarino is buzzword complient at #smclivDefnetmedia Another incredible speech by @zarino who wants see more "oompf" in the open data scene #SMCliv #opendataSMC Liverpool "@smcliv: Another incredible speech by @zarino who wants see more "oompf" in the open data scene #SMCliv #opendata"Lee Omar @zarino be great to have a read of that pdf nice one #SMClivRoss Dalziel Very few sites actively stop you from scraping data from their sites @zarino #SMCliv #opendataSMC Liverpool @zarino nice twitter #sentimentanalysis music project http://www.thelisteningmachine.org/ #SMClivRoss Dalziel RT @leeomar: "@smcliv: Another incredible speech by @zarino who wants see more "oompf" in the open data scene #SMCliv #opendata"SMC Liverpool Its easier for certain businesses to pay scrapewiki to scrap data then ask their own departments for it! @zarino #SMCliv #opendataSMC Liverpool #smclivDefnet Media RT @mcknut: live stream of @smcliv, where @markiliffe will be speaking soon http://is.gd/7nmPl2 /cc @vicchiRoss Jones We should be back on the live stream in 5 minutes #smclivSMC Liverpool Hi to all at #smcliv I’m now watching on the telly at home .& –> #Liverpool #Processing #meetup mon 6-8pm at the Ranch http://bit.ly/Naam7Pneil winterburn RT @smcliv: Its easier for certain businesses to pay scrapewiki to scrap data then ask their own departments for it! @zarino #SMCliv #opendataAlex Ormandy We are back on the stream at #smclivSMC Liverpool Social Media Cafe Liverpooldefnet-tv RT @AlexNolan: Open Data discussions at @smcliv tonight are absolutely riveting – watch them live here http://bit.ly/OLYwE8 #smclivDefnetmedia #smclivDefnet Media Read the blog post from Chelsea Slater of Mark’s talk Social Media Cafe – Live! Mark lliffeMark Iliffe is a PhD Candidate at the Horizon Institute of the University of Nottingham researching maps, spatial quality and crowdsourci… find @markiliffe presentation right here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1quSMF0v6M9Gp38ruKVlm4A4mipC4B64LhOEcRFzkjxo/edit#slide=id.p #smclivSMC Liverpool If you have an iPhone you probably don’t worry about toilets #smcliv #opendataSMC Liverpool undefinedWordpress Mapping allotments in Birmingham #smcliv #opendata >
@markiliffeSMC Liverpool Interesting talk by @markiliffe at #smcliv Mapping cholera potential in Africa references Broad St Outbreak http://bit.ly/Qyc9tZjulianlstar RT @smcliv: find @markiliffe presentation right here https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1quSMF0v6M9Gp38ruKVlm4A4mipC4B64LhOEcRFzkjxo/edit#slide=id.p #smclivAlistair Houghton RT @Julianlstar: Interesting talk by @markiliffe at #smcliv Mapping cholera potential in Africa references Broad St Outbreak http://bit.ly/Qyc9tZSMC Liverpool
@markiliffe Talking about mapping allotments in Birmingham #smcliv cc @flygirltwojulianlstar Open street map of Dar es Salaam showing the toilets http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-6.79416&lon=39.24217&zoom=17&layers=M #smclivSMC Liverpool If your watching on the live stream and have any questions for @markiliffe send them over #smclivSMC Liverpool @markiliffe Talking abt Vernacular Taarifa. Interesting contextualisation of data. Understanding that which has not yet been mapped #smclivjulianlstar Taarifa – For All MankindThe Taarifa Platform is an open source web application for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping. It allows peopl… RT @smcliv: Open street map of Dar es Salaam showing the toilets http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-6.79416&lon=39.24217&zoom=17&layers=M #smclivRoss Dalziel Flood Damage in Dar Es SalaamIn a previous post I spoke briefly about the situation of the floods and what is being done about it. Previous training within Dar Es Sal… Social Media Cafe Liverpool – Google Docsundefined <b>This is a copy of Mark’s presentation on Google Docs above</b> <br> @julianlstar up now from Open Data Manchester #smclivSMC Liverpool <b>Live blog post from Chelsea Slater on Julian Tait’s talk </b> Social Media Cafe – Live! Julian Tait (open data Manchester)Our final speaker of the night is a project initiator and creative producer interested in the societal impact of technology and mechanism… @Julianlstar chatting about prevailing wind, hence most city slums are in the east #smclivmarkiliffe #smclivDefnet Media http://bit.ly/OLYwE8 Live stream right here #smclivSMC Liverpool #smclivDefnet Media
#smclivDefnet Media OpenStreetMaphttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ http://openstreetmap.org Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 l… #smclivDefnet Media @SearchOnTheRoll Thanks for all your help tonight #smclivSMC Liverpool Introducing Google Nowgooglemobile Really wish I could stay for the rest of @julianlstar’s talk and #geobeer at #smcliv but the last train beckonsmarkiliffe Open Data Manchester Google group https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/opendatamanchester #
smclivSMC Liverpool http://opendatamanchester.wordpress.com/ Open data Manchester site #smclivSMC Liverpool #opendata Liverpool gets a mention from @zarino if anyone is up for it #smclivSMC Liverpool reflecting on emerging ecosystems of #opendata with @Julianlstar at #smcliv great inspirational talks tonite ;)Ross Dalziel RT @cheapjack: reflecting on emerging ecosystems of #opendata with @Julianlstar at #smcliv great inspirational talks tonite ;)SMC Liverpool Citizen generated data #smclivSMC Liverpool "It’s not about making data public it’s about the public making data" nice cosm quote via @amcewen #SMClivRoss Dalziel RT @markiliffe: @Julianlstar chatting about prevailing wind, hence most city slums are in the east #smclivSteve Devine See you later Liverpool and #smcliv! I hope you weren’t too scared by maps, @taarifa, flamingos and p*rn stars!markiliffe BBC R&D: Perceptive Media "Breaking Out"This audio drama performs best on Chrome using the Web Audio API, but should also work inFirefox,Opera andSafari through a fallback solut… #smclivDefnet Media This is the future of tech in Liverpool as demonstrated after #smcliv http://instagr.am/p/N1umzUi4Wk/julianlstar Enjoyed #smcliv and even managed to get a train back to Manc which is a bonus. Lots more conversations to have. Thanks to all @smclivjulianlstar @cheapjack Here’s the network diagram – http://www.zarino.co.uk/open_data_landscape.pdf – if you’d like to see the thesis it came from, drop me a line. #SMClivZarino Zappia This is not the end, it is only the end of the beginning. #opendata #liverpool