
Remember to look out of the windows

We are very goal focussed in our society, we want results, but many innovations occur along the way and not at what you thought was your predetermined destination. However, we need to remind ourselves more that it is the journey that is important when you don’t know your destination. On the more relaxing and enjoyable holidays we may head off to one visitor attraction but end up at another which is infinitely superior to our original goal.

Ramblings Video Streaming

The hand that Feeds

I was helping out with some Live Streaming from Birmingham at a brilliant outdoor performance from St Martins church in the Bullring. I was helping Caron Lyon and to be honest it was the easiest streaming job I had done in a long time, streaming to a Google hangout and then via periscope.

Radio Ramblings

For Light Night

I was asked by a “friend” to be in this audio piece – well it appealed to my ego so I did it. 55 seconds ish of bored tourist guide.

You are meant to download it and listen at 9pm as you walk down Duke Street from the Anglican Cathedral on Light Night. Enjoy as I’ll be at Ignite Light Night.

I’m taking bookings through my usual agent.

You can pick the files up here

In Situ Tracklist
Starting location – steps of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
1. Alan Dunn – Ear Warms in a Dark City
2. Rongo Rongo – Light
3. Jo Bywater – Faith on Hope St.
4. Isocore – Isao
5. Anni Hogan – Cage
6. Lo Five – A Pivotol Moment
7. Alan Dunn & tennantspin – Almost Persuaded
8. Germanager Bold Street
9. Paul Tarpey – Slater Street
10. Luna – Wolstenholme
11. AGP – For
12. Jonathan Raisin – Sunset City Song (No. 7) fragments from a found
Henry Street to Paradise
13. Yorkie – Sailors Gates
14. Mitternacht & The Gentle Sex – Paradise Street

If you are around at Light Night then head down to this which i am also doing.


Random Listen #5 Jennicam – SoundCloud

Listen to #5 Jennicam by Reply All #np on #SoundCloud


A couple of small robots from #Taros2015



And another
