Ramblings sound

Paranoimia with Max Headroom

Max Headroom Art Of Noise Paranoimia I was watching the Watchmen and I came across Matt Frewer who plays a character in the film with pointed ears. It took me some time to recognize him but once I did, it brought all this back to me. I used to love Max Headroom plus the Art of Noise although i haven’t listened to there albums in a couple of years. Max wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea but he was my friend. I so needed to get out more.

I’m going to look out for the Max Headroom movie now as I seem to remember there being one…………


What is your favourite video of Hacking and Tinkering

Interface AmnestyDefnet TV needs You – So what is your favourite? Get in touch and send us your links  so we can feature them!!!

This is for a series of programmes in the build up to Interface Amnesty on 26th September, to appear on Defnet TV. We want to know what are you faved tinkerer Vids so that we can feature them on the day at Interface Amnesty but also in the week leading up to it.

Blurby bit about Interface amnesty “Inspired by a trade fair scene in the 1974 Francis Ford Coppola film “The Conversation” and your local jumble sale. Interface Amnesty plays with the conventions of interface design, music technology products and the presentation of interactive art.Its an opportunity for sharing between artists, musicians and the public with live music, food stalls and that elusive country fair feeling If you have been developing your own instruments and interfaces for making and performing music sound and moving images and want to share your creations with the public on your own stall get in touch with a description of your interface or project Please provide as much information about your project as you can.

This is the first one that we found below on Youtube – strange

Hacked Vintage Dustbuster Vacuum Cat. No: 9330 Type 2 & Duracell Powerpack 300 Jumpstart Box

So Get in touch and send us your links  so we can feature them!!!

Email me —-   defnetmedia at



A long long time ago in a land far far away…

In the land of Munchies, chomps(ki) and hangovers a group of miscreants gathered after what was normal regular party if you lived off Catherine Street, Liverpool in the 1990’s. This play – Tales from the Settee – was based on real life – just not my own or anybodys that i knew – I think it was the friend of a friend of someone that the writer met in the pub once.

I performed (If you can call it that) – I thereby sat on the Unity Theatre’s stage in a dressing gown, as I played Neville(guess) a cocky student middle class type who had been lucky with the girl in the black dress – Over all there were about 20 of us in it which made it lots of fun to rehearse.

This was the second time that the play had been performed, the first time was at the Workhaus Gallery space, which was such a radical place the council put a hole through it – it was where the passageway exists between Wolstenholme Sq and Duke Street.
Anyway I digress -So the slide show below is from the second time it was performed but the first time I was in it. (does that make sense) A rescripted version was performed later the same year again at the Unity Theatre with a different cast – I played a different character- this time he didn’t have to get naked but his shirt was very tight and he was funnier- so i am told.

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You can download a video snippit from Defnet TV of Tales from the Settee and see the kind of shocking work that the Unity Theatre used to allow on.

Photos Ramblings

Don’t buy the sun

Faded but not forgotten, the sentiment after the sun called the liverpool fans theives after the disaster at hillsborough

Destroy PowerPoint : Whatsonstage – Edinburgh 2009

It’s good to see the Gaffer as I call him is getting such a agood review for his one man show in Edinburgh

It’s safe to say that the title of Destroy PowerPoint is distinctly misleading. As David Gaffney confesses at the beginning, he might have started off thinking PowerPoint was a little evil, but in the end, he came to see the presentation software as something that liberates creativity. In this respect, the play is more a celebration of the possibilities of PowerPoint than a call to arms for us to storm the offices of Microsoft and banish it forever. An exercise in storytelling, Destroy PowerPoint is made up of a collection of short stories all centring around a PowerPoint presentation. There are stories of vengeance, of love, of the mind-numbing routine of office life. Some are more compelling than others, though in ‘Kicking the Whale’, Gaffney’s conceit reaches its peak as a disenchanted employee uses PowerPoint to break free. There’s something oddly beautiful about the PowerPoint presentations Gaffney uses to illustrate his tales.  In ‘King of PowerPoint’, which acts as something of an homage to office communication through the years, there’s a distinct romance to the smudged felt-tip acetates which flash across the screen.

via Destroy PowerPoint : Whatsonstage – Edinburgh 2009.