In the land of Munchies, chomps(ki) and hangovers a group of miscreants gathered after what was normal regular party if you lived off Catherine Street, Liverpool in the 1990’s. This play – Tales from the Settee – was based on real life – just not my own or anybodys that i knew – I think it was the friend of a friend of someone that the writer met in the pub once.
I performed (If you can call it that) – I thereby sat on the Unity Theatre’s stage in a dressing gown, as I played Neville(guess) a cocky student middle class type who had been lucky with the girl in the black dress – Over all there were about 20 of us in it which made it lots of fun to rehearse.
This was the second time that the play had been performed, the first time was at the Workhaus Gallery space, which was such a radical place the council put a hole through it – it was where the passageway exists between Wolstenholme Sq and Duke Street.
Anyway I digress -So the slide show below is from the second time it was performed but the first time I was in it. (does that make sense) A rescripted version was performed later the same year again at the Unity Theatre with a different cast – I played a different character- this time he didn’t have to get naked but his shirt was very tight and he was funnier- so i am told.
You can download a video snippit from
Defnet TV of Tales from the Settee and see the kind of shocking work that the Unity Theatre used to allow on.