Pandora’s Box – An Internet Radio player made with a Raspberry Pi!.
I came across this article about an Internet Radio player and just wanted to share it – I really should get my Raspberry Pi working properly and give this a go.
Art in LIverpool FM – arts and cultural audio
Pandora’s Box – An Internet Radio player made with a Raspberry Pi!.
I came across this article about an Internet Radio player and just wanted to share it – I really should get my Raspberry Pi working properly and give this a go.
@DaveThackeray is now producing Dave’s Digital Delights and you can catch Episode 1 right now as he guides us all through his recommendations for digital platforms to make your online life easier. He will wow you with his handy work but don’t let him do your plumbing.
I’ve already jumped onto one of his suggestions that I can see is going to be core to my future work and as the series progresses I’m sure there’ll be more.
Dave spoke at a recent Social Media Cafe Liverpool and I’ll sure we’ll have him back you can catch his video from that session above.
So Plug this baby into your ears and sit back – enjoy spreaker to
It just to show that even if you are in the same business you never know what else is going on. I can even remember how I found this but now I have. So for you listening pleasure here is Bizvista radio they have interviews with a variety of people in a variety of places. Laura Walsh, Christine Chellew, George Sephton and Tim Quinn former Editor of Marvel comics.
Dave Gillooley, the interviewer also does a fine line in architectural illustration. Have a look and give it a listen.
This is what i get up to with – Liverpool’s premier artistic resource on Merseyside. We do a weekly (mostly) podcast about what is going on in the arts visual mostly) in Liverpool.
My reason for posting is to check soundcloud’s plugin compatibility with wordpress so as to examine other options for publishing sound in a social media world.
The podcast itself has been described as “quite good” by one twittering friend who I shall remain nameless.
[soundcloud url=”″]
This is a great play, I loved it as it reminds me of so many people I know.
An idealist actor and the activist artist unhappy with the way that their (lack of ) careers are progressing take direct action by unfurling a flag of Jimmy Tarbuck on Radio City Tower. Eddy is the rogue artist with attitude and by far the more interesting character.
Their comment on the lack of opportunities for creatives to find work in the city celebrated as the Cultural Capital is clear, but how it will develop I wait to see.
Listen out for further episodes at