I was asked by a “friend” to be in this audio piece – well it appealed to my ego so I did it. 55 seconds ish of bored tourist guide.
You are meant to download it and listen at 9pm as you walk down Duke Street from the Anglican Cathedral on Light Night. Enjoy as I’ll be at Ignite Light Night.
Ahead of tomorrows Social Media Surgery at BBC Radio Merseyside I was interviewed on 11th October about the surgery and the benefits of Social Media for voluntary organisations.
Right so now I have started this on a regular basis and will keep it up for as long as I can –
I am interested here in bringing new people in to these events and encouraging people to get involved as there are some great events out there for people like you. So this week I talk very quickly about Liverpool Linux User Group, Jelly Liverpool and the AND festival. Check out more events at http://bit.ly/livedigital
I am hoping to take this over to the main site sooner or later but it can stay here for now.
You can sign up to receive more information form the likes of me here and I’ll send you regular updates about digital events and the rest in Liverpool
I had a small and poorly formed idea this morning about setting up a quaint radio station which would only broadcast within a very small geographic area.