Defnet TV Ramblings Video Streaming

That’s all folks – with tenantspin mobile

It was a delight to be asked to help tenantspin with their last live stream and their first in such a long time – when they made arts engagement projects they broke the mould after this one – I think it was less art and more Guerilla TV – over the years they had some shows, some of which are available on their Live Stream and over the years I tried to get them involved in as many projects as I possible could.  I’m thinking here about when we got them over to the Arts Councils grand AGM where the participants met and interviewed the Council member of all the Arts Council’s across the country.  I did a bit of live reporting there also.

So last night after “The End of Transmission” part of the tentantspin event we just went for a wander around the gallery space with camera and laptop – working off WiFi and here is that short and not very interesting section. I still love the immediacy of it all.

Watch live streaming video from tenantspin at
I won’t say that it was an easy set up for this as we had to try 5 different cameras linked via Firewire to a Mac – they didn’t work so when we pulled out my old windows laptop and it worked first time which I made me laugh.
Do watch the last show in case you missed it, so good to see so many familiar faces and so sad that John McGuirk wasn’t there to see the end.  RIP John.

Watch live streaming video from tenantspin at
Radio Social Media sound Twitter snacks

#smsliv Social Media Surgery Liverpool

BBC Radio Merseyside Social Media Surgery
BBC Radio Merseyside Social Media Surgery

Ahead of tomorrows Social Media Surgery at BBC Radio Merseyside I was interviewed on 11th October about the surgery and the benefits of Social Media for voluntary organisations.

BBC Radio Merseyside interview Social Media Surgery

Digital Creative Infomedia Radio

Digital events in Liverpool boo #3

Right so now I have started this on a regular basis and will keep it up for as long as I can –

I am interested here in bringing new people in to these events and encouraging people to get involved as there are some great events out there for people like you.  So this week I talk very quickly about Liverpool Linux User Group, Jelly Liverpool and the AND festival. Check out more events at 

I am hoping to take this over to the main site sooner or later but it can stay here for now.

You can sign up to receive more information form the likes of me here and I’ll send you regular updates about digital events and the rest in Liverpool

Infomedia podcasting sound

Liverpool Digital Events boo

So the other week I got an email from Audioboo saying that one of my boos had been listened to 1000 times. I thought that was cool so thought I would record another just trying to bring stuff up to date a little and if need be then I will make them a regular feature on the main site as they are so easy to do.

So below is #2 for you to listen to (embed code permitting)

It has to be said since I started producing digital events in Liverpool in 2010 it has become a much more interesting place…. and long may she reign.

This is the link to the boo that has had over 1000 listens now – enjoy – that was in February and I haven’t done another since then but lets see how this one gets on. Maybe it will do OK if I give it some decent tags.


Space Glasses – Interact with holographic images

Meta’s SpaceGlasses video shows the huge potential of augmented reality, bringing the computing scenarios of “Iron Man” to life. Get yours now at

I just wanted to share this video about Space Glasses which are going to be the next big Tech product around.  I didn’t catch all the initial talk around them but they fill a gap where other products have  failed, the Wii mote and Connect. This is the perfect way to start interacting with Technology.