
Art in Liverpool podcast 24 february 2010

On this weeks podcast news that Hollywood Homeless is postponed, a sad story for a department story to start on and an embroider who will have you in Stitches. Podcast :: Art in Liverpool 24 February 2010 to listen and for a free download. Tags: A…


On this weeks podcast news that Hollywood Homeless is postponed, a sad story for a department story to start on and an embroider who will have you in Stitches.



Podcast :: Art in Liverpool 24 February 2010 to listen and for a free download.

Tags: Art, Liverpool, Culture, Free, MP3,

Posted via email from defnet’s posterous

By Neil

My names Neil, and this is my blog where I capture what's going on around me, I rave about what i think is super cool and I rant about other stuff.

Stop Thinking about it and just get on and do it.