Other stuff

Other stuff (6)

Sunday, 28 December 2008 00:00


Written by Defnet Media

Here is our Manifesto - it was written a while back now but it still holds true

Open: Always use Open Source products and methods. Share them with users and promote their use.

Share: Use creative commons licenses, but always promote the right to ownership of ideas and creativity and the need for creative people to be compensated for their time and work.

Listen: Promote a responsible approach to web 2.0 by listening to those with something to say, acting upon it and assisting people in how to approach communication over the web.

Help others: Offer a platform for people to develop their skills and abilities, and always encourage mutual support within the community.

Challenge: Review commonly held notions in a genuinely informed and independent manner. Challenging them if needed. 

Play: Provide and promote the sense that all communication on the net can be conducted with accesibility and a sense of fun.

Do: Do what we can do well and strive to do better.

Collaborate: To use the internet as a means to an end and promote face to face communication when this is the more practical and fun option.

Encourage high level, non virtual interactions with requisite refreshment. – a chat over a cup of tea.

If your are interested in writing reviews or producing a podcast or getting involved in any other way then do contact us on the emails below as we would love to hear from you. Or if you have an idea for an exciting project and just want some technical help then let us know and we will see how we can help.


Monday, 15 December 2008 23:15

Merry Christmas from all @ Defnet Media

Written by Defnet Media

Santa DogA big thank you to you all, but especially to everyone that assisted with the Art in Liverpool FM project.

We are going to be sitting back and taking it easy over the Christmas period and making a few changes to the website which will hopefully make it easy to find, easier to navigate and you'll be able to find us on all the social networks.

Newsletters will be back, so will a good iTunes channel, a publications section, archive and new blogs.

We will also be running podcasting workshops in the New Year (end of Jan- early Feb)- so look out for those.

So while we get busy with all that please enjoy our back catelogue.



Thursday, 11 September 2008 21:05

Widgetize Art in Liverpool FM NOW!

Written by Defnet Media
Sunday, 24 August 2008 22:51

Chris's Biog

Written by Defnet Media
After coming through the blur and meaninglessness of my teenage years my brother twisted my arm to be in a band with him, which turned out to be a good thing for several years or so. The band we called Mazey Fade, which started as a quartet but came into it’s own as a three piece. After annoying lots of people, especially venue owners, a couple of whom cancelled gigs on hearing our soundchecks, London based Domino records had the good sense to give the band a record deal.  We released an LP, EP and a single with them, and along the way picked up an ally in radio 1 maverick John Peel, who asked us very nicely to record three sessions for his show. We certainly wouldn’t have done them if he hadn’t.

After the band split up I did an access course in social sciences, learning valuable life lessons from the Marquee de Sade, French feminism and Rabbi Lev. My degree is a joint honours in Theology and Sociology but I was unable to find work as a moralising policy maker so I ended up being a support worker and so met many great and interesting people in the neverworlds.

I’m approaching my fortieth year which I think suits me well.

Mazey Fade on Domino Records - more
The John Peel sessions - more

Saturday, 23 August 2008 23:11

Competition Page

Written by Defnet Media

Your chance to win

The latest competition is now closed but another will be coming soon.

The winner of the Tracy Emin Travel Card holder was Nancy Jamieson

tracy emin

If you’d like the opportunity of entering our next competition then subscribe to our enews -join up here

Tuesday, 13 November 2007 22:58

Who we are

Written by Defnet Media

Here at Defnet Media we've been engaging in digital stuff since 2007 starting off as a site for podcasting and alternative culture news.

Since then we have grown and changed so out has gone our online radio, regular podcasting, and Defcon Magazine and in has come Defnets Digital News, Social Media Cafe, Ignite Liverpool and raising digtal awareness across Liverpool.

In 2010
Ignite Liverpool started
We had the first Social Media Cafe Liverpool
How Why DIY day with digital technology demonstrations and workshop across 2 floors for public in a city centre shop. 
We organised Liverpool's first Music Barcamp

In 2011
Ignite Liverpool took place four times along with regular Social Media cafes.


In 2012
We set up How Why DIY as a community interest company and handed over the activities of running Ignite and other events to them. 

In 2013 
We've been consolidatiing our services and offering out our expertise. We're more professinal these days and consult in a number of different digtal fields mostly the arts and third sector. We build websites, run workshops, offer bespoke training, run networking events and Live Stream events. 

We're currently running a Fit for the Future programme for Liverpool Vision, so if there is anything that we can help with then get in touch. 


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