Tech Features (22)

Thursday, 03 March 2011 15:53

Talk: John McKerrell at Social Media Cafe


John McKerrell presents a talk on the development of iPhone apps at Social Media Cafe Liverpool on 10th February 2011 at the Arts and Design Academy, Liverpool.


Wednesday, 02 March 2011 10:03

Regular Maker nights in Liverpool

Maker Night is a regular meeting organised by Liverpool Hackspace in partnership with LJMU Art and Design Academy to provide a space for people to learn, experiment and work on projects related to…

smclogowebFor Social Media Cafe Liverpool - the art one we asked Peter Goodbody @p3dro to tell us about his social media journey as a as a photographer.

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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