Wednesday, 27 April 2011 22:05

Facebook - oops! something's gone wrong

facebook Trying to access Facebook - I don't know why this is what I get so often. Is it just me or does everyone get this kind of result far to often.

How and why do we keep on using it when we have to put off accessing those invitations and messages and go back the next day to try again.

We are working to get it fixed as soon as we can.

Bad form from Facebook.

It doesn't appear that there is much help on the facebook blog also, with simply an old post from Mark Zuckerberg to placate you. Not that it does as the formatting is off and it doesn't mention this issue.

Whatever, it is will simply have to wait till they have worked and got it fixed.


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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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