Monday, 04 April 2011 22:41

Pecha Kucha style presentations required for Ignite Liverpool

ignite_logo_tinyThe next Ignite Liverpool is taking place on 2nd June upstairs at Leaf Cafe on Bold Street and Ignite LIverpool are seeking individuals who are interested in presenting at this event.

Their motto is Enlighten me but make it quick
They are a Grassroots community organisation who organise and present a quarterly events where members of the community are invited to present on a subject they are passionate about and have  had some great presentations from a wide variety of people. You don’t have to be techy to do it, you just need passion, passion for the chosen subject of your presentation.

If your unfamiliar with the format then it kind of goes like this.

Presenters contact Ignite Liverpool and suggest a topic for their presentation. After everyone has submitted their ideas we choose the best suggestions for that Ignite session and give you the go ahead to start preparing your power point presentation. Yep we said power point presentation. You get 20 slides that are 15 seconds each – That’s 4 slides a minute so 4 x 5 = 20slides and that’s all you get – 5 minutes.

It is their mission is to encourage as many people as possible to come forward and present on a subject that they are passionate about.

If you would like further information please contact them using this link

More information and video's of previous speakers is at
The event is organised by How Why DIY - you can join their network here

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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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