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Defnet's Entertainment News - Defnet Media
Saturday, 11 April 2009 22:12


Printing Press


Saturday 16th May 2009 11.00am - 6.00pm
Live interactive installation / performance
Nexus Art Café, Dale Street, Northern Quarter Manchester, Opposite Picadilly Records

SoundNetwork are collaborating with design studio BURNEVERYTHING to explore
analogue and digital media's relationship, in design and sound in an increasingly unsustainable and unstable present.

The installation / performance will allow festival goers to produce their own personal print
and create a unique live sound piece which will only exist in a one off live performance and as a physical recording.

The 'micro-recording plant' will be operated by you and the PHYSICAL MEDIA machinists and key
guest sound artists curated by SoundNetwork & BURNEVERYTHING.

Tuesday, 31 March 2009 22:21

Holocaust Connection

The vanished Flying Boat Factory, village and Holocaust connection revealed in Lake District exhibition

An exhibition linking three little known Lake District war time moments is showing in the heart of Wordsworth Country for most of 2009.

Flying Boats and Fellow Travellers is the title and it tells the story of the Flying Boat factory near Windermere in photographs and interviews along with its associated workers housing scheme called Calgarth Estate that was at nearby Troutbeck Bridge.  Some of the images have never been seen publicly before. A specially produced film taken from a flight simulator will show a Sunderland Flying Boat taking off from Windermere, a sight unlikely to be witnessed again.

Included in the story is the remarkable connection to the child survivors of the Holocaust who came from Eastern Europe and stayed on the housing scheme in 1945.
Thursday, 26 March 2009 13:39

Africa Oye announce dates

Break out your Picnic gear as Oye warms up.

Every year I promise that I'll get my blanket ready and head for Sefton Park for Africa Oyé, but every year I turn up and have to sit on the grass but not this year (I hope). I'll also have to make sure I turn up early so the queues at the food stands aren't to long but there is plenty of time as Africa Oye 09 is on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st June 2009 - 12:30pm-9:30pm on both days and it's Free

Sunday, 01 March 2009 23:51

Manchester Theatre in Sound - MANTIS

A series of performances on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th March, Manchester

MANTIS (The Manchester Theatre in Sound) presents several concerts of electro-acoustic music each year, and aims to promote, disseminate and perform new works from composers based at The University of Manchester. Facilities at the Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama allow, among other things, for the diffusion of work on a 40-loudspeaker sound system in a 350 seat concert hall.

MANTIS has run the festival in co-partnership with organisations like Sonic Arts Network EXPO, taking the festival to numerous venues in Manchester, such as the Victoria Baths. More recently hosted guest distinguised composer Francis Dhomont at his 80th birthday and focused on themes like MANTIS: South-North, including music from Latinamerican composers and a first MANTIS call for pieces which received 186 submissions from all over the world.



A subject-based non-narrative audiovisual multimedia improvisation using digital synthesis, field recordings, prepared electro-acoustic guitar and manually-manipulated projected images by two free-improvising musicians and an image wizard."

A multimedia experiment documenting the vivid sights and sounds of the Purple Garlic Harvest in Las Pedroñeras, Spain, supported by the Frakture Big Band.

Saturday 28th February
The Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool, L1 3BX
Doors open 7.30 pm for 8.00pm start
Admission: £5
Box office. 0151 707 5324

Thursday, 26 February 2009 23:03

Purgatory St Lukes Church

tortured soulPurgatory is a horror performance set in St. Luke's Church on Friday the 13th of March.

The story of five ghosts trapped within the grounds of the church will be told. Each tale stripped down to its raw emotional impact.
These original short pieces have been devised to explore the dark side of our spiritual nature. The performance will be held together on the evening by an environment of sights and sounds that will turn the church into a cauldron of menace.

The audience will witness an ongoing supernatural struggle between spectres and their fates. The artists involved have dealt with unsettling themes within the stories, but never lost sight of the sheer joy of terrifying people.

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elvis guitar

From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download




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