Social Media

Blogging platforms

– WordPress vs. Typepad
– WINNER: WordPress, 2714 votes (Typepad: 267 votes, Tie: 357 votes)

If you are trying to decide which platform to go for then read this on the mashable site for WordPress v’s Typepad. I did recently have to post something to Typepad and cringe – it was not intuitive – clunky in other words, but i had to do it for Liverpool’s Global ignite week – Have a look. It’s an exciting event but at the same time if you want to find out real information about it then go to the How-why-diy Ning

So always go for wordpress.

By Neil

My names Neil, and this is my blog where I capture what's going on around me, I rave about what i think is super cool and I rant about other stuff.

Stop Thinking about it and just get on and do it.